Web templates, buttons, logos found on https://www.rickyswebtemplates.com is property of Ricky's web templates.
By downloading and/or using our web templates you must leave our link on it (except if you become a premium member). This link you can leave on the place where we put it (bottom of the pages: Design by (www.rickyswebtemplates.com) or where is convenient for you.
If you want to use the template without our link on it, you must pay 29,95$ to become a premium member.
For more information, contact us: webmaster@rickyswebtemplates.com
Also, we can edit the template for you. Look for some of ours design packages.
The templates may be used for personal or business web sites but you may not put them on the diskette, cd, dvd, web site or any other medium and offer them for redistribution or resale.
By purchasing a premium membership you get a full resell rights for all templates and graphics on our site. You can sell it and keep 100% of profit, but you must do some modifications on them like changing pictures, text, logo etc. Also, you need to put it on your server and the price must be like our or higher.
Images used on templates are only for example. To use it in on your website you need to purchase a license, or to supply your own pictures/images.
The license for images can be purchased from this websites: https://www.istockphoto.com/, https://www.gettyimages.com/, https://www.123rf.com/.
We will not be liable for any damage or loss of data when you are downloading or using ours web materials.
Privacy Policy:On Rickyswebtemplates.com we collect contact information such as mailing address, phone number, and fax number, internet contact information such email addresses, information about the user's computer system, such as the web browser type, IP address, and operating system, non-financial identification information, such as username and password combinations.
We collect this information to complete the current activity of the visitor, for website administration purposes, to evaluate, review, or improve the website, to notify visitors of updates to the sites (newsletter purpose), and/or contact them to market products or services.
All this informtion are for our purpose and not be used for purposes of solicitation, advertising, unsolicited e-mail or spamming, harassment, invasion of privacy, or conduct which may be otherwise deemed to be objectionable conduct.
Refund Policy: You agree to the subscription term you choose and that there will be no refunds. Refund can't be done because you will receive products immedentely after registration.
When you purchase some subscription you will be billed on the same date each 3 months, 6 months or 1 year, depend of the subscription and your subscription will automatically renew at the rates you signed up for unless you cancel your membership prior to the end of your billing period. Please make a note of your subscription date should you ever wish to cancel prior to the next month's renewal date to avoid being billed, as we do not offer refunds (no exceptions).
Thank you for reading and accepting our terms and conditions.